What Activities Can I Do With My Teenage Daughter?

The teenagers are also the time when young people begin to spend more time with friends than family. Many teens are beginning to drift apart from their parents.

Mother and teenage daughter activities are emphasized the quantity of time you spend together, focus on creating quality time together. There are some ways to create quality time to fun things to do with your teenage daughter the following:

Turn off the Electronics

Electronics are getting in the way of face-to-face communication.  Even if it is just for an hour, shut off all TVs, computers and cell phones and see what happens. It is likely you will have a much better chance of getting your teen to talk to you.


Eat Dinner Together

Eating dinner can create an opportunity to talk to your teen. It is one of the best way to find out about your teen’s day.

Step into Your Teen’s World

Your teen enjoys things you know nothing about.  Activities with a teenage daughter are willing to step into your teen’s world, even when it is not something you particularly enjoy

Do Something Active

Sometimes teens are not much for just sitting and talking. It is getting you moving, it can lead to more natural conversations.

Do Something Nice for Others Together

There is something about doing a good deed that really helps improve a relationship. It can do wonders for your relationship. You are the time to talking and it can also help your teen see the value of helping others.

Go for a Drive Together

Car rides are one of the excellent ways to strike up a conversation. This is helping many teens feel more comfortable bringing up uncomfortable subjects.

teenage daughter

Go for a Walk

This is a good way to spend quality time with your teen. A stroll around the neighborhood is getting you away from all the distractions at home and it can give you a chance to talk privately.

Teach Your Teen Something New

Whether you can pass on your cooking skills or you are helping your teen learn Chinese, offer to help your teen learning something new. Don’t force it if your teen isn’t interested. They are very interested in understanding how you do the things you do.

Schedule a Family Night

Whether you are choosing to play board games once a month or watch a movie once a week, make it a tradition. This is one of the important in building a quality relationship with your teen.